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HTML.Edit, a full-featured editor, is a HyperCard 2.2 stack saved as an application. Its interface could best be described as baroque with its cute finger-pointing cursor and flashy splash screen. These same characteristics make using HTML.Edit just a bit confusing. But to HTML.edit's credit, it is difficult to implement so many features and at the same time implement a simple interface.

For example, HTML.edit supports 3 sets of headers and footers. It hilights and indexes any HTML tags in your document. It translates Macintosh text files containing high ASCII codes into HTML compatible characters, and you can even add your own translations like the copyright or trademark symbols. Like HTML Editor, HTML.edit keeps a database of entered URLs. These URLs are then available during the editing process. It supports extended characters (entities) from a clickable palette of choices.

On the down side, HTML.edit is no speed demon. It takes little advantage of command keys nor menubar choices. Every markup option is contained in a floating palette with hierarchical menus. If you remove close the palette by mistake, then you must show it again before you can continue editing. Lastly, since it is a HyperCard application, it suffers from the 30,000 character limit of any one editing field. This is not so bad because such large files are frowned upon in the WWW community.

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Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.